Tottenham days and ways.......

Created by kieran 3 years ago

Bernie and I were very close friends for several years in the early seventies. Bernie and myself played at numerous party's and enjoyed 'wild-things' Friday lads night out all over London. He also often played bass with my blues group at University.

My father worked with his older brother Tony and we used to go to all their parties and would often provide the entertainment with Tony Jory joining on harmonies. After his break-up with then wife Jenny he sometimes appeared at my flat in the early hours of the morning to chat and seek solace (and answers). We would end up off our bonces and often helpless with laughter.

We lost contact after I took up a contract in France, then Holland and moved on around the world. We communicated for a while but were neither of us great at keeping in touch so it is only now at 71 that I google and find he has passed on to other things.

I still occasionally use the UB (ultra-bore) face and inane 'load of bollocks' grin that he mastered, and sometimes remember some of the outrageous exploits, people and adventures that remain untold.

Best wishes to his later Family and friends that I never met.

Kieran (Kerry) Shaw